Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stupid quotes

What do you say to a person when that person tell you something that is obvious or that you know along time ago, something like "OH! You are losing your hair?". What that people have inside their minds? It will be possible that they think that i never watch myself at the mirror every morning's.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A little joke

Little boy : "Daddy, daddy....!!!"
Little boy : "Today i consumed one gram of bugar sugar!"
Daddy : "Slap...slap!!!"
Daddy : I already told you that you should say "cocaĆ­ne" instead of "bugar sugar".

First post ...

... and I hope that will not be the last one, because ending a blog is always easier than starting it. The purpose of this blog is to write some humorous stuff in English, because i want to practice my English and I love humor. So feel free to make comments not only about my stupid posts but also about my English, I promise you I will not bite you.
